
HTTP Authentication

AAA is the abbreviation for Authentication,Authorization and Accounting, in other words, validating you are exactly you, validating you have permission to operate over specific resources and charging you on your operations over those resources.

POST /users/login
GET /users/:uid/invoices
POST /users/:uid/invoices/:id/payments

Consider our business logics: login, fetch invoices and invoke invoice payment.

Due to HTTP’s statelessness, when GET /users/:uid/invoices and POST /users/:uid/invoices/:id/payments received, Server needs to figure out the caller is exactly the one calling POST /users/login. Currently there are two common solutions.

First solution: session

  1. Client calls POST /users/login
  2. Server creates a session and sends session_id and expiration time back to Client in Set-Cookie header of HTTP Response
  3. Client calls API with session_id in Cookie header
  4. Server looks in session pool for a session with session_id to validate user’s identity

session on Server has expiration time and will be destroyed after expired.

Second solution: token

  1. Client calls POST /users/login
  2. Server issues a pair of encrypted access token (including user information and expiration time) and refresh token, and sends back to Client in body of HTTP Response
  3. Client calls API with access token in Authorization header
  4. Server decrypts access token and extracts user information to validate user’s identity

access token has expiration time, and it cannot be used for authentication and calling API after expired. However, Client can call POST /token/refresh with refresh token to apply for a new pair of access token and refresh token.


AAAAuthenticationAuthorizationAccounting 的缩写,通俗的说就是,验证你是你,验证你有权限对某个资源进行操作,对你操作资源的行为进行计费。

POST /users/login
GET /users/:uid/invoices
POST /users/:uid/invoices/:id/payments


由于 HTTP 无状态,在调用 GET /users/:uid/invoicesPOST /users/:uid/invoices/:id/payments 的时候,服务器需要确认,调用方是之前调用 POST /users/login。目前有两种常见的做法。


  1. 客户端调用 POST /users/login
  2. 服务端创建一个 session 并得到一个 session_idexpiration time,在 HTTP ResponseSet-Cookie 头里返回给客户端
  3. 客户端后续调用 API 时,在 Cookie 头里带上 session_id
  4. 服务端会进行查询验证 session_idsession 是否存在,从而确认客户端的身份

服务端的 sessionexpiration time,过期之后自动销毁。

第二种: token

  1. 客户端调用 POST /users/login
  2. 服务端颁发一对包含用户信息的加密过的 access token (包含 expiration time) 和 refresh token,在 HTTP Responsebody 里返回给客户端
  3. 客户端后续调用 API 时,在 Authorization 头里带上 access token
  4. 服务端解密 access token 得到用户信息,从而确认客户端的身份

access token 本身具有 expiration time,过期之后,access token 不再具有验证身份的功能,也就无法继续调用其他 API,此时可以通过 POST /token/refresh 带上 refresh token 向服务端申请重新颁发一对 access tokenaccess token